40 Affirmations for the writer in you!

Dream, then do!

40 Affirmations for the writer in you!

Fuel your writer’s itch by believing in yourself!

Here are 40 affirmations to motivate you to be the writer you know you can be!

  1. I am filled with ideas and inspiration.
  2. I can easily overcome writer’s block.
  3. My creativity is limitless.
  4. I can easily come up with new ideas.
  5. I love coming up with new ideas.
  6. The things I write are worth reading
  7. people need to hear what I have to say
  8. I am a better writer every day.
  9. I get new and better ideas daily.
  10. My writing is always improving.
  11. I am attracting new opportunities to improve my writing.
  12. I have amazing writing potential within me
  13. I am motivated, driven, and focused on my writing.
  1. I can easily manifest success in my life.
  2. I am dedicated to being a successful writer.
  3. I attract success effortlessly.
  4. I can unleash my creative potential whenever I want.
  5. I have a great talent for writing.
  6. Being creative is a natural state for me.
  7. My creativity will entertain readers everywhere
  8. I have an endless flow of creative ideas.
  9. I believe in my creative abilities.
  10. This desire to write stems from a talent and I should share it with the world
  11. I can easily manifest any goal I set for myself.
  12. I let myself move with confidence in the direction of my goals.
  13. I am successful and my words will make a difference
  14. I possess talents and knowledge the world wants to read
  1. I find a little time for my writing, even on busy days
  2. I am a world-class writer and I am primed to become a best-selling author!
  3. When the writer in me connects with the reader in me, magic happens!
  4. Writing is my statement to the world! Today my statement is amazing!
  5. I know what my audience wants and I deliver it every time!
  6. Today I am attracting the ideal writing opportunities for me.
  7. I am a brilliant writer. Today I let go and let it flow onto the page!
  8. Bring it on, blank page! I am ready to fill you with amazing words!
  9. I am an amazing writer and today I prove it on the page!
  10. My writing is a stream of feeling that flows from my heart to my reader’s heart.
  11. My best book yet is ready to spill out of me and onto the page today!
  12. Writing is my joy! Readers are my reward!
  13. I refuse to be paralyzed by the size and scope of my project. I am getting this project done one step at a time.

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