5 times cats made history more interesting!

Dream, then do!

5 times cats made history more interesting!

Cats are hilarious family members and the best confidants. 

Cat memes are the best, BUT cats have stories from before our time too!

Did you know…?

The popular concept that domesticated cats began in Egypt is wrong!

They actually originated in southwest Asia.

Our floofy friends decided to domesticate themselves over 8,000 years ago

Godly Cats!

Freyja – which means “Lady” in old Norse – was the Norse Goddess of love, fertility, battles, and death. Norse mythology is so fuckin’ cool they gave this treasured goddess a chariot led by cats!

These cats didn’t get a name until Englishmen gave it to them – but they were called; Bygul and Trjegul

be sure to check out more at germanicmythology.com


St Gertrude, patron saint of cats

I was today years old when I learned that March 17th is the day of St.Gertrude of Nivelles, patron saint of cats. I’d like to thank fat cat art for the wonderful picture (link in picture too). Move over st Patty’s day, Cats are here! There are a lot of stories about how she became the cat saint, but the pictures are worth a gander!

Félicette is the name of the First Cat in Space

58 years ago on Oct. 18, 1963, the French sent a cat to space! Félicette became the first and only feline to ever travel to space. She flew nearly 100 miles above the Earth. Her badass rocket soared up to six times the speed of sound. Fifteen minutes later, she safely returned to Earth on what we assume is the cutest parachute ever! She was totally fine according to records but I assume she had complaints

Simon wins a Dickin medal for being a badass cat

In 1949 this cat was so badass, he survived an injury, prevented disease, and inspired military crews to make it through impossible odds! He is the only cat to receive this honor. There are several records of Simon notifying crewmen of their bad hunting skills by showing them his rat murdering skills. I am sure he tried to teach the humans but sadly we still haven’t learned