10 totally free Evergreen opportunities for side funds

Dream, then do!

10 totally free Evergreen opportunities for side funds

As a writer, I’m always looking to hone my craft and make money doing it.

So, today I’ll share some evergreen opportunities for making some side money

*shameless self-plug* I am an experienced editor in case you need confidence (if it’s your first gig and you’re nervous – I don’t have the heart to charge ’cause I want to make reading cool again!)

Anyway, evergreen opportunities are ALWAYS available. There are a lot of places that are always looking for writers. These are my favorite and they’re all free.

One thing to keep in mind is – you should never EVER pay to get writing gigs.

*check out subsequent blogs where I break this down in detail

burning book page
Photo by Movidagrafica Barcelona on Pexels.com

Writing is an art and art is subjective – you may get rejected – but paying never really puts you ahead of anyone. 90% of sites who charge to get you gigs are pulling information from search engines and you can do that!

I’ve been writing for longer than I want to admit and I’ve noticed a pattern in people who write.

The people who don’t pay, search harder and put in more work, BUT, in this process is growth. Genuine writers are a different breed. They usually aren’t in it for the money (usually there’s not a lot of money to be had).

Writers write to be right in the world.

If you have that voice in your head, you’re in the right place!

Now, I know people will mention upwork, and it’s okay. I generally recommend people try it but it is nowhere close to the top 10 for me.

You can sign up here and see if you like it

Fiverr is also okay. It ranks even lower in my book because you put out an add and hope people come to you. That’s hard for a new writer. It is worth having BUT it’s generally best after you have a few credentials.

Feel free to sign up here too

Join fiverr.com | become a seller

The same people who mention the most highly advertized sites like the aforementioned will often mention others. So, before we get to the meat and potatoes, I offer five free and easy places to get freelance work.

These are pretty much the same – each has minor differences – but the goal is to get freelancers work. It won’t hurt to sign up for all of them (I have).

These are adequate resources but I saved my favorite resource for last


Submittable is my all time favorite. It feels more creative and the work feels more rewarding for a creative thinker like myself.

Submittable is where I’ve had the most success in publications as well. There’s something for everyone but it leans to the creative writing side

stay tuned, this is the first of many posts with opportunities for paying writing gigs