5 Feline Phenomenons! Record breaking puffballs

Dream, then do!

5 Feline Phenomenons! Record breaking puffballs

Cats are awesome! Today we’re sharing 5 record breaking cats but not just any records – we compiled a list of cats that worked for their record.

Being big, long or fluffiest is great but today we’re highlighting talented cats

We’re starting off big with Maru!

Maru isn’t just a pretty kitty, he’s in the Guinness book of world records! HERE.

He has the most views of any animal on youtube. I was hoping to see something like “most squee heard in a minute” but his record is pretty impressive nonetheless.

Merlin is the record winner for loudest purr. He lets everyone know how happy he his – or its a ploy to lure humans into a false sense of security. Either way, we love his lovey sounds.

In Big Sur, California, on 30 January 2018 Waffles jumped 213.36 cm or 7 ft. I can only assume the lure they used was a fragile glass at a table’s edge. Waffles most likely saw the need for science and lept into action to test gravity. While my glass theory is a fun (made up) scenario, the truth is I accept our new warrior leader.

A tabby named Dusty in Texas wins the award for most prolific cat (most momming that ever did mom..) with a stunning four-HUNDRED-and-twenty recorded babies! I like to imagine having that many kitties in a room as the perfect cure for depression. Dusty was born in 1935 and her last litter was in 1952. A 17 year old cat is *84* in human years! I hope her cat army accomplished great things

In a shocking turn of events, Alexis not only did ONE trick – she performed 26 in a minute! In June of 2020 this cat who might be a dog in a cat suit actually listened to her caretaker Anika and Austria changed the world. Cats can listen, they just choose not to!

Runner ups – Five neat things I found in guinnes book of world records

  • Most travelled sea cat HERE
  • Most cat cafes in the country (Spoiler: Japan) HERE
  • Largest gathering of people dressed as cats HERE
  • Most popular political cat (got letters at the white house and everything!) HERE
  • Largest collection of cat related items HERE