*Started on entropy – resume

Dream, then do!

*Started on entropy – resume

I’ve produced over 1500 resumes for people from ALL walks of life and employment credentials

I also teach people how to write and perfect their resume in their journey to success

This post is lesson 1 from my class – (minus the video, or one-on-one time)

Anyway – for those looking to make a stellar resume on their own – I’ll break it down, step by step!

The First Step is to create 3 different word document files

File #1 is your cover letter

I’ve attached a basic cover letter for your ease of use – (Microsoft word has several templates for free)

white printer paper beside silver laptop computer
Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com

File # 2 is your history for reference

This is a detailed history list for your personal reference. Again, I have included one for example

File # 3 is the Actual Resume

I have attached a basic template, but there are endless options – even industry specific

So, now you have the three files – take some time to fill them out.

You can transfer your old resume information or make everything new – and we’ve included a huge list of power words for you!

The next class we’ll go through details of each file so you can make it perfect

Make sure to stay tuned for the next episode or subscribe and be notified via email when it arrives!

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