SEO keyphrase generator

Dream, then do!

SEO keyphrase generator

We hear a lot about the importance of SEO Keyphrases – but what are they really?

When you search via search engine, you put in a series of words and the search engine provides results based on your key words.

That is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) keyword results

When you use proper keywords in your posts, blogs, or webpages – search engines pull up your website as a result.

That is how you connect to potential customers, subscribers, or gain a following

If someone searches Daee Dreamz, the search engine will immediately send them to this site or the hundreds of other sites we manage.

Unfortunately, millions of people aren’t searching for Daee Dreamz (yet) – So, I have to reach them another way

This can be done by using SEO keyphrases that relate to a potential customer – but also relate to what we do.

Daee Dreamz loves dreamers and daydreams but we tend to offer support for artists, writers, and small businesses.

In order to guide people to Daee Dreamz so they can utilize our services, I will need to learn more about what words people search up.

And that brings us full circle – to SEO Keywords

We’ve selected a list for you to check out. Each one is different, so you can decide what helps you most

This generates the best keywords for your posts/blogs/pages – we used it for this post

We use Yoast for this page, but it doesn’t generate as much as it teaches you

This one has 40 different website tools including scans, keyword generation and a host of neat things

This one scans your site for keywords, analyzes, and gives you ideas on how to improve

Let us know what you’d like to learn about and we’ll post it. Have questions? make sure to send them!

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